Monday, 12 March 2012


1.Bright pants
2.Bright bags
3.Bright shoes
4.Added pieces
I know this is a very hard choice to make especially to those who find it hard to look too flashy.I did a research on why most people would pick a brown piece to an orange piece.Most of them chose the brown not because it is prettier,but because it blends more with the society.They loved the orange,but most excuse was "that is too flashy,you want them to call me a show off!"lol..**ok I added jara***lol
Well you can wear bright colors without looking over done,and you would feel really good about it.
Remember,Bold prints are trending this season,so don't be left out.
1.Bright pants:I love colored pants,it's a great way of expressing your,purple,tangerine tango,even green.Just always remember to pair it with a neutral color like a black/cream/white/ scarves,jackets or blouse except a situation of color blocking.

2.Bright Bags:We have passed the age of when we used to have our regular black hand bags,now,it's bold colors all the way,and they are lovely.A popular mistake most make is pairing same colors together.Maybe just because you have this lovely orange dress and a matching orange bag,you decide to wear it together.THAT IS WRONG.I can't be any clearer than that.Each piece on your body should speak for itself.Complimentary colors are best.(complementary colors are those opposite each other on the color wheel)

3.Bright shoes:What would a lady do without her shoes**lashes**.Bright shoes have been trending for a while,and guess what,it is hotter this season.Bright pants,dresses or a blouses are lovely when paired with bright shoes.Always remember when doing this,in a situation of two bold colors,one of the colors should be less bold than the other,a little contrast is advisable.Don't choose two colors from same primary group like blue and yellow or blue and red because it is difficult to alter the level of contrast as they are not related in anyway.

4.Added pieces:Yes yes you know how lovely a person looks with a scarf on!!bright patterned scarves,hats,bracelets name it.I like this style because it is easier to pull off,very easy indeed.It is just to remember,when you don't have the time to do colors,but you wish you still want to look alive,just grab a bright colored scarf like orange,and pair it with that lovely brown dress,and when you feel like you over did it with colors,just wear a cream or black colored scarf to neutralize your look.It applies with belts works either ways that's why it is perfect. :D ;)
Always remember neural colors and complementary colors are best when wearing bold colors,except in a situation of color blocking which I already explained in my previous article.
Remember confidence does all the work.if you got it,flaunt it ;D

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