Wednesday, 21 March 2012



Yea I know,it seems like a really big work trying to care and maintain the skin,but really,it's actually no big deal.Infact,I find it quit interesting.Most excuses I hear is "I don't have time","my skin is too stubborn","who is looking at me",my dear so Many people are looking at you that is why you have to be conscious of how you present yourself.

1.Cleansing:Easy,this simply means detoxification.Notice most times,after taking your regular shower,your face still feels oily or slimy.This is because dirts are still present.Even though you apply excess soap which is very wrong because too much of it,especially medicated soap can result to total elimination of germs even the ones that are good for the skin giving in skin irritation and dryness.This is why cleanser are needed to remove the dirt present in our skin.After shower,just apply cleanser to that area you are particular about in most cases the face.The good thing is that there are different products,so you can pick your choice that suits your skin type.I use any PALMER'S product,works anytime after every shower.

2.Moisturizer:I know we already have an idea of what this means.I already posted a blog on knowing your skin type and if you have read it,it would be easier in selecting the best cream and lotion.Moisturizing is very important,in fact it's the most important in skin care .The way your tongue craves for water is exactly the same way your skin craves for moisturizers.After cleansing,the next step to take is moisturizing.It keeps the skin fresh and it gives that glow.To learn how to select moisturizers for your skin type,I advise you check the link below.

3.Sunscreen:Most people don't know the power of sunscreen.The sun is good,but only in the morning at the hours of 7am to 10am because of the vitamins and minerals it provides to the body.Aside that,ultraviolet ray is harmful not only because it give burns and irritation especially to sensitive skins,it also result to skin cancer if over exposed.That is why sunscreen is provided.It helps to block or protect the body from the sun.No matter how "resistive" your skin is to the sun(**very common excuse of not using sunscreen**)sunscreen is necessary before stepping out of your house.I personally recommend sebamed at
Most guys think cleansers,moisturizers and sunscreens are ladies stuffs**smh**well it's's applicable for both male and female.I used to have difficulties taking this easy steps,but with regular practice,u bet you would get used to it in no time ;)trust

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